In an unprecedented regional effort, more than 30 local, regional, state and federal stakeholder entities joined forces to develop a Blue Mountain Region Trails Plan that spans all local jurisdictions.

The goal of the project was to:

  • Inventory existing bicycle, pedestrian, and other non-motorized trails and transportation infrastructure within cities, between communities, and across the region;
  • Determine additional connections and destinations with the help of the public, stakeholders, and user groups; and
  • Use National Park Service expertise to design a complete network of non-motorized trails and transportation connections that can be implemented as funding becomes available.

The project outcome is the development of a community driven, and locally supported regionwide non-motorized trail and transportation network that will integrate existing and planned urban sidewalks and bike routes with urban and regional trails. This network will provide access to outdoor recreation opportunities, increased walking and biking options, and connectivity among community centers and cultural, historical, and natural resource sites throughout the region.

Read this project summary for the final outcomes-

BMRT Summary

BMRT Summary (Spanish)

For even more details, check out the History & Funding pages.

Walking on a sidewalk
Mill Creek Trail

Regionwide non-motorized

trail and transportation


Welcome to the Blue Mountain Region Trails Project

Blue Mountain Region Trails


Rural multi-use trail
Blue Mountain Region Trails Overview Map

The Blue Mountain Region Trails Plan is now complete and fully adopted by the Walla Walla Valley MPO/SRTPO and Palouse RTPO.

Benefits of Having an

Interconnected Network

  • Increase participation in outdoor recreation and active transportation
  • Reduce physical inactivity and related health concerns
  • Provide safe routes to schools, parks, community sites, and natural treasures
  • Shift short trips from cars to walking and biking
  • Stimulate economic development
  • Enhance community connections and increase quality of life

Contact Us if you are interested in volunteering to help implement any of the proposed projects in the Plan.